Where do I park?

Park in the area green highlighted area in the image, and don’t park in the red section.

What's the process?

You can purchase your rental here. After your purchase, you will be given a receipt which you place in your windshield to avoid being towed.

How do I pay?

You can pay via credit card. For monthly rentals, the charge is recurring every month on the 1st. The first month is prorated.

What if I have more than one truck?

Click: “Checkout”, Fill out the fields and “add another truck”, the form will refresh and you can add another truck. Please note that if you have more than one truck your rental period and billing will be on the same schedule. 

How do I cancel?

You can cancel at any time by viewing your subscriptions in your account.

How do I login to my account?

You can login with your email and the password that you created when you purchased your rental.

Is there an office?

There is no office. It is a self check-in and check-out. You can drop your truck off and pick it up at any time. There is 24/7 access.

Is the site paved and lit?

Yes, the site is fully paved and lit.

Do you have a referral program?

Yes, use the referral link below to get your next month free.

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